Making a Donation to Parochial Church Council of Wellow

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” - Malachi 3:10-11

The ministry work at St Julian’s is made possible, under God, solely by the financial giving of individual church members, for which we are most grateful. We don't receive financial support from any local councils or the state.  You can give through the collection plate at the back of church (yellow Gift Aid envelopes are available).

Give by bank transfer or by setting up a standing order with St Julian's Church:

Here are the details:

Bank Account:

Name: Parochial Church Council of Wellow.

Sort: 60-02-05

Account Number: 50935658

Because we are a charity we can also claim Gift Aid on anything you give to the church so please fill in our Gift Aid form below 

Online Gift Aid Declaration 


Over 5,000 people each year leave gifts in their Wills to support the work of the Church. These gifts make a significant impact on mission and ministry. They help to keep clergy, maintain beautiful buildings and invest in exciting new mission projects.This leaflet tells you more about the difference you could make simply by leaving a gift to your church in your Will. Giving a share of your estate to the church goes hand in hand with your regular giving; it is an important part of our Christian stewardship.Making a Will and reviewing it regularly is good stewardship too. If you do not make a valid Will, your loved ones could face significant trouble and expense after your death, and a court will decide how to distribute your estate and who looks after your dependants. Making a Will and including a gift to your church can be simple to do and can have a tremendous impact on the future life of your church.


If you'd like more information about giving to the church please contact our office: