The Friends of Foxcote Church was established primarily to look after the fabric of St James the Less Church in Foxcote.

Chair of the Committee: Stephen Clews
Telephone: : 01761 434586

Secretary: Joy Schneiderman

It holds regular fund raising events involving the wider village and in particular hosts a popular Souper Tuesday on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in Shoscombe Village Hall.

If you would like to make regular or one-off donations to the Friends of Foxcote Church, these are the bank details:

Give to the Friends of Foxcote Church

Name: Parochial Church Council of Foxcote with Shoscombe - Friends of Foxcote Church

Bank: NatWest

Sort Code: 60 14 24

A/c Number 55815324

If you are a tax payer and would like to complete a Gift Aid Declaration, you can do so by completing the form below: